Depending on your beliefs regarding this, one might also be sensitive to the fact that you carry ghosts from your past along with you into new relationships and new experiences. You let them cloud and distort your views of not only the present, but also the future. Worse than the ghosts from your past, you carry Demons that dictate your behavior and your judgement.
Ok, this all sounds a little spooky right? But if you don't think of it in a halloween or wicked witch sort of way, and think of these ghosts and demons as your emotional baggage, it's just a way to name them and deal with them. Everybody has their past. Everyone has their tragedies and triumphs. Everyone carries guilt, anger or shame that is hidden away and locked up tight. The healthy ones have been through counseling and have learned to let it out. Too many still believe if they keep their ghosts and demons hidden they will never escape to cause problems. How very, very wrong they are.
Through any life change, there will be elements of your past that continue into the present. The trick is to try to allow only the ones that will enhance or enrich your life from this point forward. This goes for people, objects, relationships, memories, etc. If you allow the demons, or the issues you fought so hard to rid yourself of, a place to comfortably reside in your present, the future will be full of anxiety, worry and ghosts.
Get rid of the things, people, situations and toxins from your past. Give yourself an opportunity to free yourself from the chains and start living again.