Tuesday, August 29, 2017

And so...the adventure begins!

You may notice a new design, a new title and new feel to my blog. If you have been with me from the beginning, this started out as "Limitless Linda ~ The Creation of Ms. Wallace".  Then, about a year into my blogging, I felt the need to change the title to "The Discovery of Ms. Wallace". I'm thrilled to have made it through the toughest 2 1/2 years of my life, and I'm ready for yet another Blog Title.  Limitless Linda ~ The Adventures of Ms. Wallace.

I took time to CREATE a new life. I then spent many months DISCOVERING myself, my hopes, dreams, fears, and plans for the future. Now comes the fun part. The next chapter is all about ADVENTURES. This may sound like it will be a travel blog, but traveling will likely be the least of my upcoming adventures. I am focusing on career, leadership, teaching and mentoring, and yes, along with my job at Horizon Air, I am sure there will be a few travel adventures as well. I am beyond excited for the coming year. I am hoping you will follow along with me and watch my world change before your very eyes.