Saturday, September 23, 2017

"Head Down, Eyes Up" ~ Chase Rice

Head Down Eyes Up

When I first saw this brand a couple of years ago, I immediately assumed it had a more "prayer" connotation to it. Like bow your head, but keep looking up towards God in your daily actions. I also took it to mean "stay humble" with your head "down" and keep your eyes up looking forward. This is how Chase Rice explains what has become his motto:

Everyone can have their own interpretation, or use it for what it means for them personally...either way it is to help you get through struggles, encourage you to keep moving forward, and inspire you to reach your goals. "Head Down, Eyes Up". Simple, direct, meaningful. Thank you for sharing your story with the world, Chase Rice. Your messages, your motivation, your example and your grit are just some of the reasons I love music so much. There's usually a story behind every artist. I want to find out as much as I can from the ones I spend my time and money on.

Read on to see what inspired this motto and enjoy a couple of his songs... the first one being an incredible tribute to our troops, and the second one from his new album being released in November.

HDEU for me started my junior year at the University of North Carolina. I was injured the very first game of the season (a season during which I was expected to be one of the top players on our team) and I was left with an ankle that needed rehab and a heart and mind that were crushed.
I was in the weight room at the beginning of my rehab and I looked up into the mirror to see myself in a way that I had never seen myself before. I looked mad. Not “mad at the world” or even mad at my situation – mad like the man in the mirror craved only one result: Victory.
I was at a crossroads and saw myself in that mirror with my head down, but my eyes were up. I was staring at a man who was ready to do everything he could to fight for success and redemption.
From that day on, “Head Down Eyes Up” became my personal motto; my way of life to succeed not by looking at an end result, but by fighting every step of the way, focusing only on each moment in front of me. I've had a lot of ups and downs since that day in the weight room, including the loss of my dad (he was my best friend) nearly seven months later. Through it all, I've kept my head down and my eyes up, and they are locked in on every small step of the way that leads to victory.
Head Down, Eyes Up.

And a special Thank you to Michelle for my new HDEU hat! Whatever obstacles are in your way, you know I will face them with you.  I love you my friend!
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, hat

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

And so...the adventure begins!

You may notice a new design, a new title and new feel to my blog. If you have been with me from the beginning, this started out as "Limitless Linda ~ The Creation of Ms. Wallace".  Then, about a year into my blogging, I felt the need to change the title to "The Discovery of Ms. Wallace". I'm thrilled to have made it through the toughest 2 1/2 years of my life, and I'm ready for yet another Blog Title.  Limitless Linda ~ The Adventures of Ms. Wallace.

I took time to CREATE a new life. I then spent many months DISCOVERING myself, my hopes, dreams, fears, and plans for the future. Now comes the fun part. The next chapter is all about ADVENTURES. This may sound like it will be a travel blog, but traveling will likely be the least of my upcoming adventures. I am focusing on career, leadership, teaching and mentoring, and yes, along with my job at Horizon Air, I am sure there will be a few travel adventures as well. I am beyond excited for the coming year. I am hoping you will follow along with me and watch my world change before your very eyes.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Thinking good thoughts...

"Your thoughts are incredibly powerful. They actually govern not only you but those around you. Think about it, if you think positively about the people you’re around, their lives are better. This is why people “send positive energy” or pray for other people. It actually makes a difference. Your thoughts create endless ripples — even waves — of consequence all around you."
I read this article today and it definitely spoke to me. For nearly three years now, I have been consciously trying to follow my passions. With the tips and guidance in this article, I feel like I will be able to fine tune the areas of my life that still need to get on track.
I'm very happy I chose the path I did after my divorce. I think of how different everything would be if I had stayed in victim mode, remained angry or sought out revenge. I truly believe in the power of positivity and living out 
your passion. Please take a few minutes and explore the link to the article above. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Last time for everything

I heard this song a few weeks ago for the first time.

I was filled with a profound sense of nostalgia, sadness and loss. I spent a few moments with these feeling, listening to the lyrics and ruminating over things in my life that have happened, both routine and what some consider tragic, when my feelings took a turn for the positive. Immediately I began to look at things differently. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds us there there is a time and season for everything under the heavens. I have been so afraid to let go, trying to have control over things and even people, that I forget I am not the one in control here. I need to surrender. I need to step back and allow what is best for me to take place.

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. 

With every last time usually comes a first time for something else. I pray your firsts are full of adventure and love.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Headwaters are the source of a river or stream, the literal waters that feed the river. There are a number of ways to define headwaters, and a number of potential sources of water to feed rivers and streams. In some cultures, people have mystical associations with these waters, especially those of major rivers which play a vital role in their communities, and these people may view the place as the source of life for the community as well as the literal source of water for the stream. As a result, shrines are sometimes established at sites identified as headwaters.
One way to think about headwaters is to imagine walking along the banks of a river or stream until it vanished. This furthest point along the river could be considered the headwaters. Some people consider this to be the furthest conceivable point from which water could flow in a watershed, whether or not the place is bearing water, and as a result, the location may move around. Others consider the headwaters to be the furthest point that supplies water throughout the year, making the location a stable, static place.        Source:

My room in Yakima tonight has a balcony that overlooks the Naches River. It's flowing fast, it's just loud enough to use as white noise while I sleep (as long as I also crank the heat up in my room), and it's the perfect backdrop for reflection while I write. 

I'm envious of this water. I feel the need for movement in my life. So much has happened over the past two and a half years. I'm in a place I couldn't have ever imagined back then. However, I am once again at the point of "whats next"? I have experienced so much grown and change, yet I am eager for more. For some reason I haven't been doing as many of the smaller things that brought me so much joy...dancing, painting, concerts. Granted, my schedule is crazy with flying, and when I'm home, I just want to spend time with my children. But the urge is growing...I feel another change coming on and I just can't seem to identify the source of the anticipation.

Oh, and on a side note, the ex is getting married this week! I'm genuinely very happy for him, but he probably will never understand or want to believe that. It's not that I think he wants me to be miserable about it, but I just don't think he realizes I'm so over our relationship that I've been happy for him for a really long time! Good for him! I hope he makes this one last another twenty years. As for myself, I am thoroughly enjoying discovering my strengths, working on improving myself, and accomplishing my dreams. Cheers Ben! I probably won't ever tell you in person, but I wish you and Kelsey much success in your second marriages.

Monday, January 30, 2017

I am where I am TODAY

Tomorrow is my 2nd Divorciversary...January 31, 2015 I became a single woman after 20 years of marriage.  In those 20 years, I experienced what I believe were the happiest moments of my life...the birth of each one of my four amazing children, numerous milestones with each one, high school and college graduations, and so on and so forth. While listening to and watching Brad Paisley's song "Today", it dawned on me that lately I've been feeling like all the milestone and happiest moments of my life have already taken place.

I then took a few moments to reflect on the past two years. I've taken my kids to Disneyland, my son to MLB games, my youngest to Anchorage, Alaska, sent another daughter to Washington DC, visited my oldest a few times while she was working at Pebble Beach, I've been skydiving, learned to paint, performed burlesque, changed CAREERS, seen Niagara Falls, fallen in and out of love, survived disappointment, heartbreak, financial issues, lost my father to colon cancer, and SO MUCH MORE. I feel I have LIVED and EXPERIENCED more in the last two years than I ever had in the past. I am bursting with pride because of how resilient my kids have been through all the changes. I'm proud of myself for keeping my chin up and being positive 99.7% of the time.

I feel like I have made it through the worst of times. I have faith that more "happiest moments of my life" are still ahead of me. I believe I will be even more in love and have an amazing relationship with someone I can grow old with, I'll see my children raise families of their own, and I'll travel to places I had once only dreamed of. I vow to never lose hope, to always have dreams to pursue, to inspire my children to follow their passions, and always keep smiling...being grateful for everything I am blessed with.

I have also reached the rule of 10% (Being divorced 10% of the length of the time I was married). This holds another significance for me. I'm moving on. I'm happy with my choices, my children, my career, my health, my friends, and my future. My goal? Make every TODAY something I want to remember and look back on fondly.