Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Word of Intention 2020!

FAITHFUL. This is my word for 2020. This encompasses so many areas in my life.

I’ve been single 5 years after a 20 year marriage. I will have a faithful love.

I’ve been on a weight loss and health improvement journey and have been faithful to that new lifestyle, losing over 60 pounds in 6 months. I will meet my goal after another 20 pounds lost.

I have been a flight attendant for nearly four years, and I will show my faithfulness to the company and advance into another position.

My son will be leaving for Navy boot camp within a matter of weeks. I will support him and his journey, and model what faithful means to all four of my children.

There is so much this word will bring me this year. #oneword365

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Silhouette freedom young woman Enjoying on the hill and 2019 years while celebrating new year, copy spce.

Instead of New Years Resolutions, I wanted to take time to REVIEW and reflect on an incredible year! I saw a post that suggested taking 30 minutes to answer the following 10 questions:

1) What made this year unforgettable?
  • I drastically improved my health
2) What did you enjoy doing this year?
  • spending more quality time with my kids and traveling with them
3) Who/What is the one person/thing you are grateful for?
  • my mother - she is my constant supporter, cheerleader and sounding board
4) What's your biggest win this year?
  • losing 60 pounds in 6 months! Thank you Code Red!
5) What did you read/watch/listen to that made the biggest impact this year?
  • guided sleep meditations...greatly improved the quality of my sleep!
6) What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
  • I worried for my daughter's health and well-being, and once I turned that worry into prayer, things are turning out just fine.
7) What was your biggest regret and why?
  • I have no regrets, only lessons
8) What's one thing that changed about yourself?
  • my outlook on my future - career, finances and love
9) What surprised you most this year?
  • how happy and content I can be with just the simple things in life
10) If you could go back to last January 1st, what suggestions would you give your past self?
  • stop doubting yourself and go for what you want!

Well, there you have it folks! In a nutshell, 2019 was a very successful year. I am joyfully anticipating the endless possibilities that come along with each new day. While it's great to claim the excitement over a new year and a new decade, I am going to continue taking life one day at a time and live each moment to my full potential. I know that at the end of the 366 days this year (we are given a FULL EXTRA DAY!) that I will be proud to review my accomplishments again. I am looking forward to surprising myself with the amount of growth and change this year is sure to bring. 

Wishing you all of the love, health and happiness you can handle!