What if every thought you created in your mind, had an equal consequence that directly effected your life? What if all those complaints you made about your aching back, your headache, the horrible drivers, the rude customers, the lack of money, the noisy neighbors, the cold weather...what if you replaced them with the opposite, creating a positive thought instead? How different would your life be?
Energy is all around us. The frequency at which you choose to live your life is responsible for all things that happen around you. We all know that ONE person, who walks into a room and brings the light with them. They instantly draw positive attention and you want to be near them. We also know that ONE person who walks into a room and sucks all the energy OUT of the room. The mood sours, and you can't wait to get away from them. Energy is a powerful thing. It's time to check out your vibrational energy and see which person You are. You'll be surprised how much you can change your life by simply raising the frequency you operate on.
Here's a simple list of a few ways to change your vibrational frequency. Read the full article here: www.earthunchained.com/vibrational-frequency
Practice self love
Pursue new adventures
Project your true self
Appreciate beauty
Practice thankfulness with a daily gratitude diary
Learn to give without expectations
Avoid gossip and negativity
Adopt an active lifestyle
Breath deeply
Face your fears
Surround yourself with positive people
Laugh to bring instant joy into your life
The saying "you get what you give" also applies here. If all you focus on is the negative, you will only reap negativity in return. It may not happen overnight for you, but I promise, if you consistently practice gratitude and kindness, the power of positivity will absolutely change your life.
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