Friday, April 17, 2015

If you're happy and you know it...

Friday. I wait all week for this day. It's finally here and I have a to do list longer than the day itself, but of course I couldn't make the list until after my Keurig carafe of coffee.

Now that I have downed the coffee, it's time to move on to accomplishing things I have put off all week. Laundry, finish up work at the office, yard work, pay bills, grocery shop, watch a middle school track meet and then follow all that up with PAINTING!  I'm back on track for the moment enjoying a day of pure bliss...

I've gone back through my blog posts and have noticed I've been down in the dumps for quite a while.  I miss having company, enjoying my day with someone beside me, having someone at home waiting for me. It's different coming home to just kids, or worse yet, coming home to an empty house. I am getting used to it, but it doesn't change the fact that I want someone to curl up next to on the couch and watch Seinfeld and laugh out loud with. (Patience, little one. All good things in life are worth waiting for.)

I posted a prayer yesterday that really hit home. I know what I want. I know what I am hoping my future will look like. I just don't know what is really meant for me or how long I will have to be patient to start seeing those life changes take effect.  I'm working on letting go of my expectations and taking one day at a time. I have a lot of hang ups to deal with before I can consider any drastic changes in my life. The positive thing about all of this is...I'm ready. I feel like I am past the stage of possibly making bad decisions because of grief or fear or loneliness.  I've been careful and cautious this whole time with who I surround myself with, and have avoided causing myself pain through bad decisions.  I've proven to myself that I am in control and I am capable of being alone. Every day I get closer to being put back together.

This is the view I see around 7:45 every morning and it reminds me I have a fresh start today...

Note to self:
Start workout plan (again)
Find something to be happy about
Appreciate people that are in my life for the right reasons
Be good to myself
Compliment someone today
Be generous
Listen to music that makes me feel invincible
Enjoy the beauty in nature
Hug my kids for a few seconds longer than they expect
Say I Love You to the people I love
Be thankful for what I have
Find something to look forward to tomorrow

If you're happy and you know it, share your happiness with someone today.
I just shared mine with you!

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