This is my divorce ring. It's black to signify the death of a 20 year marriage. It's a bow because I am a priceless present to whomever I meet (feeling that self confidence again). This ring also carries significance because I bought it during an unforgettable trip to Georgia, just days after my divorce was final, and it's from Kate Spade. As soon as I saw it, I knew there was a significance I was identifying it with, and I really wanted something to take the place of my wedding ring. Plus it's just cute. So this black bow is my new "thing".
I have another thing. Daisies. I don't know why, or how, but there is something about a daisy right now that makes me smile. More than smile. Daisies seem to make me a little more energetic, happy, peaceful, calm...all the good things I need more of in my life right now. I haven't found one that brings me more income though...hmmm. I was at one of the Red Light Variety Shows in January and the featured artist was Danielle Demaray. I had my mind made up that evening if I saw a piece of art on display that I liked, I would buy it for myself. Demaray's pieces in January were amazing. I am not an art critic, so I do not have a large vocabulary when it comes to describing art, styles of art, mediums, etc. all I know is I liked her art. Several pieces caught my attention, but most of them had already been purchased. I found #15 Daisy...that's how it was labeled. It was still available and it became mine. It's the first original piece of art I have purchased for myself. Back in October a very special friend of mine bought me two prints from a local artist in Moscow at U of I and I had those framed for Christmas. I think it was at that moment I decided I wanted to buy pieces from local artists. I thought it was an amazing gesture and those pictures mean the world to me. This daisy was MY first art purchase, and supporting a local artist felt amazing.
So, now I have a thing for black bows and daisies. I decided Friday to cover up a 23 year old tattoo on my left foot that I self inflicted in college. It was a T, and there are very few people on this earth that will ever understand why I did that. All I can say is Kava Party at BYU Hawaii and Tongans. There is a connection, and a T was on my foot for 23 years because of that. I decided, wouldn't the little black bow look good covering that up? I really have wanted that T gone for a long time. I spent several months thinking of a "divorce tattoo" without going crazy. This is what I ended up with on my foot. Ryan at Nobody's Hero free handed it while looking at a picture of the Kate Spade ring. This photo is from the same foot is trashed, ink, blood, pain...OMG. Every follicle in my left foot was screaming to stop. What the hell was I thinking? It took MAYBE 10 minutes. I do like it though. It means something to me. Maybe I'll incorporate a daisy somehow, someday. Anyhow, I got rid of that damn T.
There's nothing to tie together about life in this post.