Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Creating Memories

I thought long and hard about what I created today. What I could create today. How I could better myself or improve something in my life.  It didn't take long to realize that with two kids off to a high school basketball game, and me and the youngest home alone tonight...we would go on a mother/daughter date.  Today...I created memories.

Liz has been having an on again/off again adjustment period to everything over the past 6 mos.  In fact, it was six months ago today that my world felt like it shattered.  Today! The 10th. As I'm writing this it just dawned on me!  So much has happened in a six month time frame. WOW.

Our time tonight was all about catching up, connecting, and being fancy.  Even though Liz looks older, I have to remember she's only 11.  We talked about why the small fork had sharper tines than the large one.  We covered basic fine dining etiquette and proper placement of table settings.  I taught her how to eat fettuccini noodles with a fork and spoon.  We finished off the night with her educating me about things on her level...the nay nay, sounds you make when a smoothie challenge smells bad,  and the best way to get rid of recurring hiccups.  It was a very memorable night.

Good thing yesterday I created major Calorie Deficit, because all that hard work was just negated by the dessert we ate at the end of our pasta dinner.  I used to always pass on dessert in public.  I thought the willpower it took to turn something down when everyone else was caving in said something about how determined or in control I was.  I'm glad I don't see things the same as I did six months ago.  I don't see much of any part of my life the same anymore, and for that I am truly grateful.

As much as I am looking forward to creating big, beautiful things in my life...tonight was a masterpiece in memories.

Mission accomplished today.

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