Sunday, February 8, 2015

This is the part where you find out who you are.

I've been told I need to blog about things. Get stuff off my chest. Put all my dirt out there so my tears can water it, the sun can shine on it and flowers can bloom. I don't want to shovel out dirt though. I want my private life to stay private. I want to open up to only those in my life that have earned the privilege of being worthy of my time. Maybe some of them need a break from me. Maybe I've shoveled too much dirt on their heads and it's hard for them to breath. I hope not. I hope I can uncover them and hose them down and start things fresh now that I have a new perspective.

I saw a quote that read "Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself". Credit was given to George Bernard Shaw. More on him later...I think he is fascinating.

I am in an epic new chapter of my life. I'm single, have four children (whom I share with their father and we are both working our tails off to raise them correctly), I have been in the dental field for 20 years now, and I am 41. I didn't see this coming. I didn't ask for this new chapter, so I decided to write my own ending to this book and not let myself become a victim or a casualty. I DON'T need time to go "find myself". I know where I am.

I DO need time and focus to create myself. Create the Ms. Wallace that isn't 21 anymore. Create a Linda that isn't restricted by limits and fear of the unknown. Create a life that is centered around teaching my children about overcoming adversity and that starting over is totally OKAY.  A clean slate, a blank page, a big eraser and the determination to accomplish something positive every day. It doesn't matter how big or small.  Every day I will create something that speaks about who I am, even if it's just words on a page.  Someday I will be able to create bigger things.  Just when I think I know who I am, I may decide I need to go a different direction.  I don't know what my future will look like, but I can tell you this...

Starting now, I'm creating the life I want to live, with the people I want in my life. I hope you are part of it.

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