Saturday, June 6, 2015

PLACES - Day 5

I get to only list six places? How can I narrow it down to that?

1. AUSTRALIA. My Uncle Bill Wallace and cousin Kevin have lived in Australia for almost 50 years. Kevin has only been to the United States twice and I have never met him.  My Uncle Bill is in his 80's and I only met him once, when he flew to California on a military hop and then hitchhiked to North Idaho and stayed with us for a few weeks. That man was full of stories. To see my dad with one of his brothers was a huge treat. I feel sorry for their mother, whom I never met. She raised five sons. All of them have traveled world wide, mostly while serving in the military.

2. JAMAICA. I could possibly tackle this location through a dental mission trip later in 2015. I need to raise the money to cover the costs first. It is two days of travel and four or five days of providing underprivileged children with dental treatment. I have heard there is not a lot of personal time on these trips, but I feel it would be personally rewarding, maybe even more so than just a vacation.

3. IRELAND / WALES / SCOTLAND. The land of my ancestry. I would like to find and visit the Wallis Castle, and spend a considerable amount of time tracking down landmarks that were important in our family. It's too bad my dad won't be traveling anymore. He would have loved to go on this trip.

4. TAHITI. I was fortunate to work at the Polynesian Cultural Center during college at BYU-Hawaii in 1991-1992. I worked as a hostess at the Ali'i Luau, and every night after work the employees were allowed to watch the Night Show as long as there were seats available. I think at one point, I had the show memorized and could have been a stand it for the female dancers. I was learning the Poi Balls, and had the Hula down pretty well for a white chick. The Tahitian dancers, and their culture in general, was always my favorite. I know that if given the opportunity, Tahiti would be a place I could live long term.

5. THE REST OF THE FIFTY STATES. Okay, so this is an easy way to sneak in more than 6 places. I have only been to 18 of the 50 states (plus Washington DC - so 19 out of 51 locations). I will be adding 5 or 6 more just this summer alone! I have a road trip coming up tackling a MAJOR bucket list item just next week! It will take me through Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. Don't worry, I will tell you all about it after I return and have pictures to accompany my stories! My dental office will be going to Florida in July for additional BOTOX training, and Emily and I will be spending a week in Kentucky for a competition she is in for SkillsUSA. If I am able to keep going at this rate, it won't take too long to see this one accomplished!

6. FRANCE. I mean, this has to make the list. Who wouldn't want to visit Paris? Did I take two years of French in high school for nothing? This is more like a token destination for my list, because yes, I have always wanted to do this. In high school, I gave up my opportunity to go on a two week exchange to France in order to participate in the Jr Miss Scholarship program. I ended up winning the title of Sandpoint Jr Miss, but looking back on it now? I probably should have traveled :)

There are so many more places I need to add to my list after I get these locations conquered. Costa Rica, Belize, Mexico (just to say I've been there), Tonga, New Zealand...I could go on and on. I officially have been bitten by the travel bug. Now I need to find a way to finance these adventures! (If someone reading this has the means to travel to these locations, and just needs some company, I am willing to be taken along as a travel companion as well...just sayin')

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