Tuesday, June 2, 2015


If I share these with you, they will no longer be secrets, will they? Well....here goes.

1. I had an imaginary pen pal as a kid. I wrote myself letters from him. His imaginary sister signed my 7th grade yearbook. Devin and Christina Krisena were their made up names. Looong story.

2. I had a crush on one of my Jr High teachers. Every time he called on me, I would burn up with embarrassment.

3. I tried to pick the lock on my teachers door in second grade with a bobby pin, then cried in front of a bunch of my friends because I knew it was wrong.

4. 9 times out of 10, when I get angry I will cry instead of scream.

5. I don't lie anymore. I used to, but after cleaning out all the skeletons from my closet, I can't lie anymore. Physically can not lie.

6. I enjoy performing in front of strangers, but get nervous around my friends.

7. I have a burning desire to sing the national anthem at a sporting event.

8. I am a hopeless romantic...I love too deeply, and forget that I am worth more than I give myself credit for. I give in too easy, and should stand up for what I want in a relationship and not settle to make the other person happy.

9.  I often feel like a failure because of my divorce and think I've ruined my kids' emotional health.

10. I don't think I will ever find anyone who will love me the way I hoped to be loved.

That's it for day one. Tomorrow you get my 9 loves.

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