Thursday, March 5, 2015

Interviewing My Replacement

Hiring the help

Casting call for new wife

Interviewing my replacement

All possible chapter titles for the real life stories in the book I'm writing.  I have to say, I am full of all kinds of surprises.  I had no idea how much strength, composure, and positive energy I was made of.

I received an email from my ex's new girlfriend.  She wanted to reach out and get to know me, and let me get to know her.  I really wanted to share some of the questions asked in our series of correspondence, but I have chosen to refrain. As awkward as I thought it would be, I was able to reply to several emails and portray my feelings and concerns in a very mature and polite manner.  It was surprisingly easy to do since I am completely content with my life, and honestly wish that for my ex as well.  I am happy that my children will not be subjected to unnecessary conflict.

She did ask me if I had any tattoos. Turns out we both do, and the Ex hates tattoos. I laughed about that a little, because she is planning on getting more. I told her mine came in college, 23 years ago. I didn't do the math for her, I'm sure she did that on her own.  She would have been FOUR when I got my college tattoos.  Agh!!!  Also, when we got married, she was the same age as our flower girl. DOUBLE AGH!  I've come to terms with this.  I'm glad the Ex will have someone to take care of him as he grows older (she won't be growing quite as older).  I make jokes, but really I'm just glad he's put himself in line to raise another family, and I am within six years of getting mine through school and onto the next chapter in life.

I'm really looking forward to being a part in the lives of my adult children (two over 18 already) and continuing to help the younger ones choose their path and set goals for their future.  Daniel gets to register for high school next week.  He's playing freshman baseball this spring.  He will be old enough for drivers ed this summer.  Life seems to be moving ahead at full speed, and I am hoping I can keep up and enjoy the ride the whole time.  Before long, I'll be down to one at home, and then none.  Goals for my own future?  There's so many options.  As I'm helping my son plan for his, I should also start thinking more seriously about mine!  As for my immediate future, I plan on taking life one day at a time.  Tomorrow I am painting again, Sunday I am watching burlesque, and next week there's bunco. In between all those fun activities, there will be plenty of home cooked meals, baseball and track practices, homework, and lots of prayers. I'm happy I have so much to plan for, be grateful for, and new people to meet....even if one of those is my replacement.

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