Sunday, March 29, 2015

Bounce baby bounce

This is the life.  I'm worn out today...and here is the reason why:

Yesterday I received an email regarding a trampoline that was available if someone would come out to Eagle and pick it up.  Let me explain something about trampolines and my daughter Emily.  Every birthday (December 23rd) and every Christmas, this was the first thing, and sometimes the ONLY thing, she requested as a present from about the age of 5. So, for the last 13 years, I have been bombarded with this one request. I've always wanted them to have one, and the three other kids wanted one as well, just not as desperately as Emily.  I wasn't a huge fan when the kids were smaller, but they always played on them at friends' houses, and there hasn't been a single trampoline related injury in all the years I've been raising kids (knock on wood). I replied back to the email to see if it was still available, and it WAS!

This afternoon we drove out to the home in Eagle, helped the owner disassemble it, loaded it into the back of Emily's truck and brought it home.  I had Nathan, Emily and Elizabeth help me assemble it in the backyard, and then the fun began. It was a beautiful day today, plenty of sunshine, laughter, music, and just all around anti-gravity experiences.  I'm feeling blessed to be able to give the kids something they have had a serious longing for, and all it took was some elbow grease and time out of our day to get it done.  Thank you James and Alice.  You just made me look like the best mom on earth today!

I will tell you this, you may find me on the trampoline just as much as the kids.  I love being on them, I love being silly and carefree. I always wanted to be on an episode of the Man Show "Girls on Trampolines". (okay, maybe that was a bit of a stretch)

Since I don't have a hammock at this house, I think the trampoline will provide a different kind of relaxation and fun. It's also a great place to take a nap, or even camp out overnight. Is there anything better than bouncing out your troubles? And Lord knows, I have enough on my mind that if bouncing was all it took to get ones troubles worked out, I'd be on that thing nonstop for days.

Infamous relatable quotes taken from Tigger:

"Oh Boy! You mean I can have my bounce back? Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

"Say, I'm so happy I feel like bouncing!"

"Er, jump? Tiggers don't jump, they bounce!"

"Come on Rabbit, let's you and me bounce, huh?"

"Well, I gotta go now. I've got a lotta bouncin' to do.  T-T-F-N. ta ta for now!"

And yes friends, you may come visit and we will bounce.  If I don't answer the door, come around back. 

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